I went to a career fair not too long ago, and most districts say they won't know if they're hiring until June or July, so that's kind of lame. But that gives me plenty of time to look for a great job, right? Plus, our lease isn't up until after July, so if we have to move, it'll be at about the right time for that. See? Gotta find the silver lining!
This upcoming week (April 25-29) is my last week of student teaching. I have mixed emotions about this. I'm happy that I'm that much closer to FINALLY graduating, but I'm going to miss seeing the teachers and administrators, and even the students. And because this is an 8th grade TAKS week, I won't even get to see most of my students on my last day. I'll have to tell them all on Monday that I'm leaving on Friday, and then they'll have weird schedules Tuesday-Friday, and it's going to be kind of sad. But I'm going to go back to the school for the 8th Grade Awards Ceremony in May, and I'll get to see my students--and they'll all be dressed up and hoping to get an award for outstanding attitude, performance, behavior, etc. That's going to be a fun day. :)
Also, I sent out graduation announcements today! It was exciting! I sent out far fewer announcements than I sent out wedding invitations, but it had that kind of a feel to it--something I've been working to for a long time and that I'm excited to see come to actualization. If you're interested in coming and did not receive an announcement, here's the scoop on graduation (actually, this is exactly what the announcement says):
The President, The Faculty
The Graduating Class
The University of North Texas
College of Education
Announce the Graduation of
Christine Gregson Shive
Friday, the Thirteenth of May
Two Thousand Eleven
with a
Bachelor of Science Degree in
Summa Cum Laude
Commencement Ceremonies will be held at
The University of North Texas Coliseum at 7:00 p.m.
Of course, the announcement's font is fancier and blah blah blah, but it says those exact words. And yes, you read correctly: I'm graduating Summa Cum Laude. Because I'm a genius. And a humble one at that. ;)
So, things are starting to come together. Inching closer to the end, one day at a time.