Monday, May 16, 2011

Big News, Everyone!

First off, I'M OFFICIALLY A GRADUATE OF THE UNIVERSITY OF NORTH TEXAS!!  I graduated on Friday, May 13, 2011, and it was a pretty painless event.  It only took about two hours (only?  is that really the appropriate word? i say so.), and I wore converse with my cap and gown (I did wear a dress, though--I wasn't completely casual), so I was comfortable and didn't trip walking up the steps, while on stage, or walking down the steps.  It's a fabulous feeling to be completely done with my undergradate degree.  Maybe grad school is in my future, but not my immediate future--I just want a break before I dive back into school.  (Thanks to Erin Costa for taking and posting this picture of me!!!)

So now I'm waiting for my diploma to arrive.  And for the state of Texas to finish its process to grant me my teaching certificate--yes, I passed all four of my certification exams!  Once the paperwork is done, I'll be certified to teach any subject for early childhood (think pre-k) through sixth grade.  But my major and my specific certification is 4-8th grade English, language arts and reading.  Ideally, I'll get a job teaching language arts in a middle school classroom, but I'll be more than willing to accept any position I'm offered!

I've been using my time since I completed student teaching to make some money in my field.  Yep, I'm substitute teaching.  I'm only working in the Irving ISD, but I'm perfectly happy to be here.  I've worked at the same school I student taught at most of the days I've subbed, and I'm really enjoying it.  I like seeing the familiar faces, and some of those faces like seeing me, too.  :p  (Oh well, you can't have everyone like you, right?)

Right now (well... not right now, of course) I'm working on a few crafting projects, and I'm finding that I really enjoy it.  All the projects I've begun involve a sewing machine in some way or another, and I haven't completed them yet, but they're getting there!  Once they've been completed, I'd love to post pictures for you, my adoring fans.  ;)

Until later,