Well, I'm 9+ weeks into school this year, the Rangers are in the World Series, my dad's and Jay's and Jeff's and James's softball team (all one team) is in the playoffs for their league, it's cool out... life is good. Minus the fact that I'm sick (again), and life is super good!
Tonight, Jay's at the softball game, and I'm at home. I'm not supposed to be outside in this weather with my stuffiness/sorethroatiness/coughiness. *pout* I'll let you in on a little secret, but you can't tell Jay: it's not that bad not being at the softball game. I'm warm, and I have the DVR all to myself, and I read some of my current novel, and it's a pretty good night.
At school, my kids are writing their first official narrative for me. It's been a long time in the making. I'm excited about it, and kind of nervous. We've spent a long time setting this up and developing the events, so I really hope that's evident in their narratives. *fingers crossed!*
In other news, I'M AN AUNT! Yeah, yeah, yeah: that's "old" news. Kyleigh was born October 2, but I've been busy and unable to blog about it. Anyway, she's super cute and I'm really excited! I have all the excitement of a child in my life without any of the diapers. :) WOO!
Of course, Kyleigh arrived early, and I have a theory as to why (Jay's mom helped me develop it!): Katie and Kyleigh conspired for an early arrival because I hadn't been working on the quilt I promised. Yep. They did it to catch me off guard. Well how about this: it's finished! Yowza! Diana and I spent twelve hours on it on Saturday--yes, you read that correctly: TWELVE HOURS. Then, I went back Sunday to finish it up. It's finished. It's adorable. It's wonderful. I never would have finished it without Diana's help,as much as she may try to deny it.
Eventually, I'll post a picture of the quilt, but not yet--Katie hasn't even seen it yet! But trust me: when you finally get to see it, you'll be floored. It's that awesome.
Whelp, that's all I've got for right now. I'll try to keep my fingers ready to type out the next exciting adventures in my life. :)