Monday, March 21, 2011

No excuse, but at least I'm finally updating?

General public and dedicated (ha!) readers, it's been over two months since my last real update.  Hmm.  That feels too much like the beginning of a confessional.

Anyway, it has been an absurdly long time since last I told the world what's been going on in the Shive house.

February: I'm a little fuzzy on the details, but I know that February included Valentine's Day.  I had a girl scout meeting that night, and we had a bunch of fun.  I baked a couple dozen heart-shaped cupcakes and bought frosting and sprinkles and candies, and the girls and I decorated and ate the treats, then we played games.  We had to wait until we'd covered the official business first, but that didn't take much time at all--it was party night!

When I got home, Jay was just finishing up dinner.  He made us a delicious fondue that we dipped bread, apples, and tiny sausages in.  For dessert, we had strawberries, apples, bananas, and pound cake in a dark chocolate fondue.  SUuuuuuUper good.

Jay and I started watching Dexter on NetFlix.  It's dark, but interesting and I like it.  So does Jay.  We're actually watching it right now!

Of course, I can't forget about Snow-pocalypse!  Or Ice-pocalypse, if you prefer.  That was five unexpected days off school.  And five days when I read waaayyyy too many craft blogs.  But I love them!  And I live vicariously through their crafts, which is good because we don't have room for me to put the crafts I'd make or anywhere to make the crafts.

Um... that's all I remember of February.

March: We have plants!  Yeah!  Jay and I finally went out and bought a metal table, a green bamboo planter, and two leafy and brightly colored plants.  They're super cute.  And they brighten up the whole patio.

My sister's wedding is coming up on Saturday, so that's a big deal.  We're all working to make it as nice as possible, especially with the highly restricted timeline.  It's going well, and I think it's going to be beautiful.

Also, I took my certification exams!  I passed two of them for sure, but I'm still waiting on the results of my third test.  I feel pretty confident that I did well, but I won't know for certain until they post my results.  And let me tell you: this is a difficult wait.

So.  I think you're all caught up with some of the important stuff.  :)

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