Jay and I recently returned home from a super fun trip to San Antonio! We had our first opportunity to take our new Honda Insight (it's super sweet!) on a long
ish (I've driven to
many places that took more than five hours of car travel, so anything less than that isn't really a "long" trip in my book) trip. Around town, we get 45 or so mgp, sometimes a little more, sometimes a little less. (Yesterday, I got
60 mpg on my trip from the Magic Time Machine (a restaurant) to our home! WOO!) On our way to San Antonio, we did not fare as well. I think our average for the tank we took down there was only like 39 mpg, and the way back was closer to 45. And when it's windy out, boy does the Insight get blown about the road. All-in-all, though, it's a pretty quiet ride and it's smooth, and the navigation system and iPod playing system and Bluetooth connection and hands-free everything and the climate control is pretty freaking awesome!
Okay. Enough about the car. Onto the trip!
One cool sculpture spotted on the trip--cow made of fenders! |
Squinty eyes! |
Gazelle! |
Since we didn't have an
agenda to keep, we kind of took our sweet time in arriving, and made some off-course side trips. On the way, we saw some cool sculptures, took a squinty-eyed picture, and we saw a whole field/herd/ranch of gazelles (side note: they didn't budge an inch when we drove past them at upwards of 65 mph. When I did an impromptu u-turn in the middle of the road and circled around to pull off onto the side of the road to take pictures, the critters went nuts and started running away; it was very strange that they were afraid of us approaching slowly and not afraid of us whizzing by). All of that happened on the way to our first destination before San Antonio: The Salt Lick Bar-B-Que. What, you don't know what
The Salt Lick Bar-B-Que is? Well. It's a delicious barbeque place in, essentially, the middle of nowhere that Jay saw on some show--Man vs. Food? maybe?--and heard of otherwise, so we headed there from Coppell. I'm not generally a big fan of bbq, but this place had it going on. I'd probably drive there again if Jay ever wanted to on a weekend. Or whatever.
It's in the process of being relocated, thus, construction. |
After we ate a delicious lunch (completed with dessert!), we set our course to a different side destination: Stonehenge II!! Okay. You've probably never heard of
Stonehenge II, and you probably think I'm making it up. But guess what: I'm not! It's real! It exists!! I first learned of it when reading the
book Yes Man by Danny Wallace--the
movie is
loosely based off the book, but it's set in England and is a real story (or as real as any memoir goes). Either way, the book is hilarious, and you should definitely read it some time; it's completely not the story of the
movie and it is HILARIOUS--I read it during silent reading when I was student teaching, and sometimes it made me laugh out loud, which earned me crazy looks from the 8th graders.
Workers asked me to hold this while they took a break. |
But back to the point! I learned about Stonehenge II in the book, and I immediately said, "What? Stonehenge II? This guy's crazy." So I googled it, and found out that it's a real place. Of course, I
had to see it for my self. So when Jay and I began planning a San Antonio trip, I asked if we could visit, and he was also intrigued. Voila! Stonehenge II!
While we were at the Stonehenge II site, we also saw something else from another place and time... but you'll have to go there on your own to find out what! (Or look through Jay's facebook photo album.)
After that exciting stop, we headed to San Antonio to our swanky hotel
room suite. Jay booked us at
The Hotel Contessa, and it was beautiful. There was some fragrance they used in the lobby that I didn't care for, but it wasn't used anywhere else, so I was alright with that. While we were there, we even went swimming on the rooftop swimming pool. It's pretty weird/awesome to swim on the top of a building.

Of course, we visited the Alamo. What trip to San Antonio is complete without a stop at the historic site of a lost battle? The first time we went there it was closed, but that made it easier for us to get a picture of the two of us without random people in the background.
Yeah. That guy is just hand feeding sting rays. No big deal.
We also took a trip to Sea World. If you're looking for rides, Sea World is not for you. If you're looking to learn some stuff about ocean creatures and see some pretty awesome shows featuring sea mammals, then Sea World is
definitely for you. I took a bunch of pictures there of the shows, mostly because I kept trying to get the shot where a whale or dolphin or whatever is mid-flip. I'd certainly recommend it. And if you're a teacher, you can sign up for something or other to get in free. And if you're an active or retired or reserve military person, you can get in free, as well. I don't know that it's worth joining the armed services just for free admission, but you have to weigh that for yourself--who am I to decide what is important or right for you? ;)
Baby whale! (Which is called a calf.)

Did you know that San Antonio is only a few hours (fewer than two, actually) away from Shiner, Texas? Jay and I know. And we went there. We got to tour the brewery for free, and we got to sample four brews, also for free. The tour doesn't last very long, but it's pretty interesting. And we got to see Shiner being canned, not bottled, and that doesn't happen very often, so we felt pretty special. It's amazing how machines and assembly lines work. Jay and I probably could have stayed at the brewery and watched the bottling/canning all day, but the Shiner people probably wouldn't have appreciated it.

Of course, we spent a bunch of time walking around San Antonio. We ate both on and off the River Walk, went through La Villita and looked at all the artsy stuff, and we walked to El Mercado for dinner and to look at the shops there, as well.
We decided that the heat and humidity in San Antonio is more intense than we care for, but we had a really great time. We enjoyed spending time together and seeing the fun stuff we got to see. Plus, we missed the crazy hail storm that happened in the DFW area while we were on vacation, so that was an added bonus. We're already talking about our next trip, but we're not quite positive where it'll be.
p.s. No word on the job front yet (I
know you're curious), but my resume and application are out there.
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