It's holiday time! Let's talk about what's happened since October, shall we?
October saw the birth of my first niece, miss Kyleigh. She came in pretty early, so that was a little scary, but everything went well and she is just a normal little baby now. She's super tiny, but she's perfectly healthy. :) Halloween was in October, too, but Jay and I didn't do anything for it. We didn't carve a pumpkin, attend a party, or get dressed up. We did, however, both go to work. :-/ School the following day was fun, though. Those kids were so hopped up on sugar! Also, I got the reject candy--which included Reese's peanut butter cups!! What?!
November was, of course, Thanksgiving. I had the entire week off from school, but I don't remember doing much relaxing. My mom and I went out shopping on Black Friday, but we didn't get up super early; we went out at about noon, and it wasn't really very crazy. It was a little busier than normal, but we weren't fighting people off or anything. If we had, though, I'd have gone home: I don't play that game. I also got to see my Brittany in November! We went for pedicures, had lunch, went out for dinner, and just felt like old times. :) It was quite lovely.
This month, December, has been rather busy. My mom, my sister, and my husband have birthdays this month (in that order), and, of course, there's Christmas--needless to say, I've done a lot of shopping between Thanksgiving and now. My students finished their semester on Wednesday, and they took semester exams in all their classes. I didn't get to write my semester exam because the whole district uses the same exams, so I was kind of nervous about that. But it was out of my control, so why worry, right? :) I'm still enjoying teaching, and I still really enjoy working with my co-workers!
Somewhere in all this, Jay and I started really looking for a house. Our lease is up in March (finally!), so we're ready to become homeowners... we're pretty sure. We've done a lot of looking, and even made an offer. We didn't end up buying the house upon which we made an offer, so we're still looking. We've seen several houses and liked a few of them, but we've only made that one offer thus far. Jay loves looking at and for houses, but I don't love it. I just want to find the house, and then furnish and decorate it. I'm already looking at couches and thinking about paint colors! Pinterest, of course, has become like a crack of sorts--there are so many cool decorating and crafting ideas there!! I show things to Jay all the time, but he's pretty sure we should have a house before I start planning how I decorate. Gah.
Our Christmases were wonderful! We got to continue the tradition of waking up early (like 6:15) with my parents and Katie's family at my parents' on Christmas morning (even though this year we celebrated on the 23rd because Katie and Jeff went to Houston to visit his family), and we also got to hang out with Jay's parents and sister and brother-in-law on Christmas eve. We had a great time with our families, and it continued into today. Since the Gregsons and the Shives had already done all their respective gift exchanging, neither family had any Christmas plans. Jay's parents came to my parents' house, and we ate lunch together and then the boys watched The Town while the girls crafted. I really enjoyed spending the last few days with my families. :)
Hopefully, your season has been wonderful as well. Merry Christmas!
Sunday, December 25, 2011
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Life is in Full Swing
Well, I'm 9+ weeks into school this year, the Rangers are in the World Series, my dad's and Jay's and Jeff's and James's softball team (all one team) is in the playoffs for their league, it's cool out... life is good. Minus the fact that I'm sick (again), and life is super good!
Tonight, Jay's at the softball game, and I'm at home. I'm not supposed to be outside in this weather with my stuffiness/sorethroatiness/coughiness. *pout* I'll let you in on a little secret, but you can't tell Jay: it's not that bad not being at the softball game. I'm warm, and I have the DVR all to myself, and I read some of my current novel, and it's a pretty good night.
At school, my kids are writing their first official narrative for me. It's been a long time in the making. I'm excited about it, and kind of nervous. We've spent a long time setting this up and developing the events, so I really hope that's evident in their narratives. *fingers crossed!*
In other news, I'M AN AUNT! Yeah, yeah, yeah: that's "old" news. Kyleigh was born October 2, but I've been busy and unable to blog about it. Anyway, she's super cute and I'm really excited! I have all the excitement of a child in my life without any of the diapers. :) WOO!
Of course, Kyleigh arrived early, and I have a theory as to why (Jay's mom helped me develop it!): Katie and Kyleigh conspired for an early arrival because I hadn't been working on the quilt I promised. Yep. They did it to catch me off guard. Well how about this: it's finished! Yowza! Diana and I spent twelve hours on it on Saturday--yes, you read that correctly: TWELVE HOURS. Then, I went back Sunday to finish it up. It's finished. It's adorable. It's wonderful. I never would have finished it without Diana's help,as much as she may try to deny it.
Eventually, I'll post a picture of the quilt, but not yet--Katie hasn't even seen it yet! But trust me: when you finally get to see it, you'll be floored. It's that awesome.
Whelp, that's all I've got for right now. I'll try to keep my fingers ready to type out the next exciting adventures in my life. :)
Tonight, Jay's at the softball game, and I'm at home. I'm not supposed to be outside in this weather with my stuffiness/sorethroatiness/coughiness. *pout* I'll let you in on a little secret, but you can't tell Jay: it's not that bad not being at the softball game. I'm warm, and I have the DVR all to myself, and I read some of my current novel, and it's a pretty good night.
At school, my kids are writing their first official narrative for me. It's been a long time in the making. I'm excited about it, and kind of nervous. We've spent a long time setting this up and developing the events, so I really hope that's evident in their narratives. *fingers crossed!*
In other news, I'M AN AUNT! Yeah, yeah, yeah: that's "old" news. Kyleigh was born October 2, but I've been busy and unable to blog about it. Anyway, she's super cute and I'm really excited! I have all the excitement of a child in my life without any of the diapers. :) WOO!
Of course, Kyleigh arrived early, and I have a theory as to why (Jay's mom helped me develop it!): Katie and Kyleigh conspired for an early arrival because I hadn't been working on the quilt I promised. Yep. They did it to catch me off guard. Well how about this: it's finished! Yowza! Diana and I spent twelve hours on it on Saturday--yes, you read that correctly: TWELVE HOURS. Then, I went back Sunday to finish it up. It's finished. It's adorable. It's wonderful. I never would have finished it without Diana's help,as much as she may try to deny it.
Eventually, I'll post a picture of the quilt, but not yet--Katie hasn't even seen it yet! But trust me: when you finally get to see it, you'll be floored. It's that awesome.
Whelp, that's all I've got for right now. I'll try to keep my fingers ready to type out the next exciting adventures in my life. :)
Sunday, September 25, 2011
My, my, how time does fly!
I've decided to not even apologize for not posting in close to two months. Things happen, I get busy, this blog becomes a non-priority.
Anyway. School is going really well! My kids are curious, and sweet, and chatty (which sometimes makes me crazy!), and they even--hold on, let me catch my breath here because I can barely believe what I'm about to say. They even... ask me for homework! It's pretty fantastic! I'm sure that we're just in our "honeymoon phase," but I would love for this to continue. So... kids, if you've somehow stumbled upon this blog... keep up the good work! Every day is different, but I also sort of know what to expect? Monday starts the sixth week of school. Amazing, right?! Gah. It's gone by so quickly, and before I know it, they'll be visiting my room as seventh graders. Well... some of them will; I'm sure a few will hope they don't have to see me ever again after this year.
Want to see what my room looked like when I inherited it? Feast your eyes on what are probably far more pictures than you ever thought necessary!
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Standing at the door, looking to the left |
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Standing at the door, looking between left and straight ahead (like diagonally?) |
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Standing at the door, looking straight ahead |
After I took down some of the stuff left in my room and unloaded some of the stuff I brought in, this is what it looked like:
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Still day 1, looking sharply to the left |
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Still day 1, looking "diagonally" at the room |
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Still day 1, looking straight ahead when standing at the door; and I have a desk!! |
Then I went home, and came back the next day. This is how it looked after a little bit of work (I forgot to take progress pictures before I started working)
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Beginning of Day 2 |
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Beginning of Day 2 |
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Beginning of Day 2 |
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Beginning of Day 2, standing by the cabinet in the corner |
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Day 2, standing at the cabinet in the corner and looking at the door (obviously) |
After that, it just got a bit neater and I wrote on the board. I'll try to remember to take some pictures of what it looks like now, because it's still a little different. It's working out well. :)
Let's see. What else has happened since last I wrote? We went to Illinois, we hung out with some friends, we saw a few movies, we messed up and cleaned up our apartment, we did normal (boring) things. Pretty uneventful.
Oh wait. Except for one thing.
I absolutely loved the concert... the traffic, on the other hand, I did not enjoy. The concert started at seven, and we sat in traffic so long that we didn't get to the venue until eight! There were so many people at the concert and trying to get in, we were just waiting and waiting and waiting. Unfortunately, we waited so long that we missed all of Night Ranger. I was sort of okay with that, though, because the only song of theirs I know is "Sister Christian," and it's not really the best song in the history of the world, you know?
I did, however, feel kind of sad that we missed the first song Foreigner played ("Double Vision," in case you're wondering), but that was the only one we missed. We found a spot on the lawn, put down the blanket, and sat down to enjoy the fantasticness. I was so excited and so happy and so full of... of everything. Was that night better than our honeymoon? Probably not. Is it a close second? Definitely yes. I was just blown away. Ahh. I'm still a little high off it.
AND! Jay got me a sweet! Foreigner concert tee. LOVE LOVE LOVE IT!
But now, it's 10:42, so it's time for bed.
I hope you've enjoyed this brief update. Good night!
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
It's been about a month since the last update... pretty standard for me. :-/ (?)
Anyway, the last entry was all about our anniversary and what crafty things I've done/been doing this summer. (yeah, I had to check what the last entry was, and I was surprised to find the craft entry! i guess i'd totally forgotten about it!) Well, unfortunately, not much else has happened in the line of craftiness. I'm still reading blogs about crafts and I still have ongoing projects, but I certainly don't have any progress that I find worthy of bragging about and/or taking pictures of... which I guess would just be a way of visually bragging--so I'm back to having nothing crafty to brag about.
Something I do have to brag about? My freaking awesome car! Some (most? all? none?) of you know that in March, Jay traded in his Toyota Corolla, began driving my Ford Focus (I love you, Irma!), and that we bought--and I get to drive!--a new Honda Insight (her name is Harley, in case you're curious). We get awesome gas mileage--I'm talking 42+ mpg, people!--and, I found out today, I'm doing pretty well on oil change frequency, even for the insight. Since purchasing Harley* at the very end of March, I've/we've driven 8,600 miles. Today, after some important meetings (more on that later in the post!), Harley had her very first oil change. Isn't that amazing?? 8,600 miles between oil changes! The service man at the dealer said that I was getting great usage out of my oil, that he usually has to change it around 7,000 or 7,500. Why is it "around?" you ask, Why isn't it predictable like every other car? Well, the Insight has a computer thingamajig (sorry if I'm losing you in the technical lingo here) that measures the oil life. When the oil life gets below 20%, a little message is displayed saying that the oil needs service soon. I have no idea how or why this is the appropriate time to change the oil, but I like that I don't have to keep up with it, that Harley will tell me when she needs new oil, just like when she told me her tires were low. I <3 Harley.
Earlier this week (yesterday and Monday, in fact) I attended some staff development sessions. Wait... does that mean? Yes! It means I got a job! And not just any job--but a job I really really want! I have been hired at Bowie Middle School as a sixth grade language arts teacher!! I'm super excited because this is the school where I did my student teaching last year, so I already know the population, the administration, my co-workers, and tons of other important things! I had such a wonderful experience last year that I couldn't be more excited to be a full-fledged member of the Bowie team. :D ...And yeah, getting a paycheck will be nice, too. ;-) (student teachers are unpaid interns) Today, in my important meetings, I signed my contract, I was introduced to some benefits options, and I picked up my school laptop. Needless to say, it was a pretty good day. Before today, I was unofficially-officially hired. What I mean by that is this: the school was ready to hire me, but HR hadn't done the paperwork or had me come in to sign my part of it.
So, knowing that I'd eventually get to the paperwork part of the process, my administrators and department chair enrolled me in staff development for yesterday and Monday. We learned all about our new curriculum and how to implement it and tweak it and rock it. I'm really happy to be a new teacher this year opposed to other years, because while I am new to teaching, everyone is new to teaching this curriculum--so we're in similarish boats and we'll learn together.
I'm also really happy about my job assignment because I found out that 2/3 of my classes are honors classes! SO EXCITED!! Sure, this means I have to plan a regular and an honors lesson every day, but we're a sixth grade team, so we'll do it together. :) I'm looking forward to it.
Add in a superawesome chick trip to Mississippi with wonderful women, and that's what's happened in the past month. Taa-daa! :-D
*Why in the world did I name a Honda Insight "Harley"? First, you should know that I like to name things, especially things that seem intelligent--cars, computers, printers, iPods (the only apple product that I own--Jay has other apple products, but they're not mine), etc. I couldn't just arbitrarily pick out a name for my new car, it had to feel right and seem appropriate. When we bought the Insight, the model and color I wanted wasn't in stock where we bought it, so we had to get a loaner car from the dealer. When we finally got our car and returned the loaner, I forgot to get my insurance card out of the loaner. Our dealer guy (Curtis, btw) called and told me, so I pulled over at the next available place so he could bring the insurance card to me; as it would happen, the next available parking lot was that of a Harley dealership. Jay and I looked around, and he suggested we name the car Harley. I liked it. And now that's her name.
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
Crafty things!
disclaimer: the layout of this entry is weird, and i'm tired of messing with it. weird it stays.
At one point or another in the past, I've mentioned crafts that I was making/planned on making/made. I think I even promised pictures. Some of you (maybe?) have been just dying to know what I've done.... well, maybe just somewhat curious. Either way, here's the proof that I've actually done stuff!
First up: flowers. I learned how to make these cute flowers, but didn't know what to do with them. I started out by following the directions from a website that Jay showed me. Then, I thought I'd be a rebel and do it differently! Really, I just didn't much care for the alternating petal patterns.

Put them on shirts? Yes. Put them on bags? Yes. Pretty cute, right? I think so. And then, genius struck! I COULD MAKE MUMS OUT OF THEM!! At the end of the summer, I will have participated in three weddings and attended another. And I would have attended a second/fifth wedding for the year, but I went to Houston with my family for my sister's wedding shower. I got to thinking that this is Texas, and we wear mums to homecoming, and make mums for baby showers, but not many people (or any people?) make/wear "mums" for weddings. Well, not any more! I can make them! See?
My very first wedding mum. It's not complete in this picture (the ribbons are just placed), and the $5 is to show scale. I also don't know how to take pictures, so this is the best I have of this... and other pictures--before and after this one--of different crafts are really not much better if at all; oh well.
Anyway, though. I made this first one and was very pleased with it
I did more thinking, and came up with this one here. How does this one show that I did more thinking? I'll tell you: look at the back! See those white stitches? Rip those suckers and then you have detached the ribbons (which are attached to their own piece of fabric), and can now wear the flower as a pin, or on a bag, or in your hair, or however else you like! Sweet! I like this one the best, I think, because the colors are so fun. Oh, and all the wedding mums I made were coordinated to the bride's wedding colors. Cause I'm that good.
So, all the mums were made... what now? Anything else I can do with this leftover fabric I have? Do I really need more flowers? Yes! I put stems on them and used white buttons in the center, and voila! The beginnings of a wedding bouquet! I showed them to my cousin who is getting married next year, and now I'm getting to make all the bouquets, corsages, and boutonnieres for her wedding! It's a big task, but I'm really excited about it. I'm learning how to make other fabric flowers as well, so her bouquets will be filled with different flowers of different colors. They're going to be beautiful!
Headed in a different direction, I started a quilt for my sister's baby. I took on a pretty difficult pattern, and I have pretty much zero experience with quilting. Who does have experience quilting? Jay's mom! And she's being super fantastic and helping me with every step of the process... and there are a lot of steps just to make the front of the quilt... we haven't even talked about the back yet! Yikes! I've packed up my dining-room-turned-craft-room a few times and headed to her place so that we could make work on the baby quilt. Is it finished yet? Nope. I haven't really put much effort into in a while. I keep thinking that I have a long time to make it, but I guess there will be a baby shower before the baby is born, so I'll really need to get cracking on the quilting. ...I better call Jay's mom and make a quilting date with her!
Before my sister's baby is born and before she has a baby shower thrown for her, though, my best friend is moving from Texas to Connecticut. :( She's going for school and it's going to be great for her; and now Jay & I have a real reason to visit Connecticut! (I'm focusing on the positives--not on the fact that she moved away.) I couldn't let her leave without giving her a gift for her new place in her new state. A long long time ago (I'm talking middle school, folks), I started making a quilt for her for her birthday. Yeah. That never got finished. So I was going to give it to her for Christmas. Still didn't happen. I have no idea where that less-than-half-finished project is anymore, so I was hesitant to start another quilt for her. Would I finish it? Did I have time? Would it look like poop? The answers, respectively, are yes, yes, and--surprisingly--no! Awesome! I make this quilt with no help except creative input. (Picking out the fabric is a huge stressor for me. Seriously. I don't know why.)
Once the pattern and fabrics were chosen, I cut out my pieces, laid them in an order I thought looked good, and then got to work on pinning and sewing the top. Fortunately, I found this great website that takes you through the quilting process from start to finish. I learned about basting (which I'd never even heard of) and how to make my own binding tape. I worked on the quilt right up to the day of her going away party, and pulled it out of the dryer right as Jay and I were leaving for the party. It turned out nicely, if I do so say so myself. Sure. The lines aren't all perfectly straight, but is any quilt perfect? (Okay. Lots of quilts are probably perfect. All the quilts that Jay's mom makes look pretty perfect to me! And so do my aunt's. Just give me time, y'all; my quilts will get better!) And my favorite thing about the quilt is that no one did any part of this for me! (Except helping choose fabrics, of course.) I'm pretty proud of it, can you tell??
So, that's what's happened in my world of crafts. :)
Also, can you believe I've updated this blog twice in two days? Woo!
At one point or another in the past, I've mentioned crafts that I was making/planned on making/made. I think I even promised pictures. Some of you (maybe?) have been just dying to know what I've done.... well, maybe just somewhat curious. Either way, here's the proof that I've actually done stuff!
First up: flowers. I learned how to make these cute flowers, but didn't know what to do with them. I started out by following the directions from a website that Jay showed me. Then, I thought I'd be a rebel and do it differently! Really, I just didn't much care for the alternating petal patterns.
So I stopped alternating petal patterns and decreased the amount of petals.They turned out pretty cute, I thought.
Then, I decided to go back to an even number of petals and still not alternate patterns, but put a fancier button in the middle. What could I do with these flowers, though??First wedding mum--work in progress |
Anyway, though. I made this first one and was very pleased with it
"I did more thinking" |
The back |
So, all the mums were made... what now? Anything else I can do with this leftover fabric I have? Do I really need more flowers? Yes! I put stems on them and used white buttons in the center, and voila! The beginnings of a wedding bouquet! I showed them to my cousin who is getting married next year, and now I'm getting to make all the bouquets, corsages, and boutonnieres for her wedding! It's a big task, but I'm really excited about it. I'm learning how to make other fabric flowers as well, so her bouquets will be filled with different flowers of different colors. They're going to be beautiful!
Headed in a different direction, I started a quilt for my sister's baby. I took on a pretty difficult pattern, and I have pretty much zero experience with quilting. Who does have experience quilting? Jay's mom! And she's being super fantastic and helping me with every step of the process... and there are a lot of steps just to make the front of the quilt... we haven't even talked about the back yet! Yikes! I've packed up my dining-room-turned-craft-room a few times and headed to her place so that we could make work on the baby quilt. Is it finished yet? Nope. I haven't really put much effort into in a while. I keep thinking that I have a long time to make it, but I guess there will be a baby shower before the baby is born, so I'll really need to get cracking on the quilting. ...I better call Jay's mom and make a quilting date with her!
Before my sister's baby is born and before she has a baby shower thrown for her, though, my best friend is moving from Texas to Connecticut. :( She's going for school and it's going to be great for her; and now Jay & I have a real reason to visit Connecticut! (I'm focusing on the positives--not on the fact that she moved away.) I couldn't let her leave without giving her a gift for her new place in her new state. A long long time ago (I'm talking middle school, folks), I started making a quilt for her for her birthday. Yeah. That never got finished. So I was going to give it to her for Christmas. Still didn't happen. I have no idea where that less-than-half-finished project is anymore, so I was hesitant to start another quilt for her. Would I finish it? Did I have time? Would it look like poop? The answers, respectively, are yes, yes, and--surprisingly--no! Awesome! I make this quilt with no help except creative input. (Picking out the fabric is a huge stressor for me. Seriously. I don't know why.)
Once the pattern and fabrics were chosen, I cut out my pieces, laid them in an order I thought looked good, and then got to work on pinning and sewing the top. Fortunately, I found this great website that takes you through the quilting process from start to finish. I learned about basting (which I'd never even heard of) and how to make my own binding tape. I worked on the quilt right up to the day of her going away party, and pulled it out of the dryer right as Jay and I were leaving for the party. It turned out nicely, if I do so say so myself. Sure. The lines aren't all perfectly straight, but is any quilt perfect? (Okay. Lots of quilts are probably perfect. All the quilts that Jay's mom makes look pretty perfect to me! And so do my aunt's. Just give me time, y'all; my quilts will get better!) And my favorite thing about the quilt is that no one did any part of this for me! (Except helping choose fabrics, of course.) I'm pretty proud of it, can you tell??
Quilt front |
Quilt back |
Also, can you believe I've updated this blog twice in two days? Woo!
Monday, July 11, 2011
A Whole Year!
Can you believe it? It's been a full year since Jay and I stood somewhat nervously at the altar of our church and exchanged vows to love, honor, and cherish each other for the rest of our lives! This first year of marriage--which people say is the hardest?--has been fantastic! We've not killed one another, or really even come close... I don't think. Certainly we've had disagreements and even arguments, but we're in no way calling it quits--or even thinking about calling it quits! I think we've learned things about each other, and learned how to live with each other as well. It's been a great year of marriage. :D
To celebrate our first year of marriage, we went with the traditional gift route: paper. So, we'll be going to the Journey & Foreigner concert in September(!!!!!!! YESSSSS!!!!!), and now own stock in Disney. And Jay also got a pretty sweet shirt out of the deal.

Annnd! On Sunday morning (our actual anniversary), Jay made waffles, bacon, and fresh-squeezed orange juice!! It was sooooo delicious! For lunch, we had wedding cake (and not a top layer that had been frozen for a year, but a fresh cake that our bakery made for us; yeah, our bakery was awesome!) and glasses of milk, which we ate and drank using our china. :) I love using the china! Dinner was wonderful, as well. We went to Simply Fondue and had way too much food that was super delicious.
When dinner was over, we went to a super freaking awesome hotel room that my mom got a great deal on! (It's good to have friends in high places!) Seriously, this place was bigger than our apartment. For realz. It even had two bathrooms! No one had to wait to go!

On Monday, we walked around downtown Fort Worth a bit, then ate at Pizzeria Uno, and it was also good! All-in-all, it was a wonderful wonderful anniversary and year of marriage. :D
Right after breakfast at home. Still kind of early for me. ;) |
To celebrate our first year of marriage, we went with the traditional gift route: paper. So, we'll be going to the Journey & Foreigner concert in September(!!!!!!! YESSSSS!!!!!), and now own stock in Disney. And Jay also got a pretty sweet shirt out of the deal.
Annnd! On Sunday morning (our actual anniversary), Jay made waffles, bacon, and fresh-squeezed orange juice!! It was sooooo delicious! For lunch, we had wedding cake (and not a top layer that had been frozen for a year, but a fresh cake that our bakery made for us; yeah, our bakery was awesome!) and glasses of milk, which we ate and drank using our china. :) I love using the china! Dinner was wonderful, as well. We went to Simply Fondue and had way too much food that was super delicious.
When dinner was over, we went to a super freaking awesome hotel room that my mom got a great deal on! (It's good to have friends in high places!) Seriously, this place was bigger than our apartment. For realz. It even had two bathrooms! No one had to wait to go!
On Monday, we walked around downtown Fort Worth a bit, then ate at Pizzeria Uno, and it was also good! All-in-all, it was a wonderful wonderful anniversary and year of marriage. :D
Monday, July 4, 2011
4th of July!
First off, I do not have a job. I interviewed, but no luck. Oh well... something good'll happen, right? My resume and application are still floating around on the internet, so people still know I'm interested in their positions. :)
Jay and I are trying to organize our lives and get rid of some clutter, but we're having a hard time of it--we're not hoarders, we just don't have much stuff that we see as useless. It's a fine line, I'm sure, but I think we're still on the "sane" side of it.
Being the 4th, Jay's off today. Know what we've done today? Nothing! We went to lunch, but we've spent today playing computer games (The Sim 3 for me, and Roller Coaster Tycoon 3 for Jay!), emptying the dishwasher, and watching movies on Blu Ray and NetFlix. Huzzah!
It's still light out, so we're still not doing anything. Eventually it'll get dark, and we'll turn our eyes skyward and look for fireworks. Hope you're enjoying the holiday as much as we are. :D
- Christine & Jay
Jay and I are trying to organize our lives and get rid of some clutter, but we're having a hard time of it--we're not hoarders, we just don't have much stuff that we see as useless. It's a fine line, I'm sure, but I think we're still on the "sane" side of it.
Being the 4th, Jay's off today. Know what we've done today? Nothing! We went to lunch, but we've spent today playing computer games (The Sim 3 for me, and Roller Coaster Tycoon 3 for Jay!), emptying the dishwasher, and watching movies on Blu Ray and NetFlix. Huzzah!
It's still light out, so we're still not doing anything. Eventually it'll get dark, and we'll turn our eyes skyward and look for fireworks. Hope you're enjoying the holiday as much as we are. :D
- Christine & Jay
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
I was told that I don't update enough. I thought that my activities don't really merit an update, that they're not really that interesting, but really, "that's the point." So here it is.
Today, I went to Six Flags for the second time this year; I have a season pass and paid parking all season--if you want to go some time, I want to go with you! It's one of the few non-wedding-related thing I've done in a little while. Last week was a marathon of wedding events, and tomorrow starts up another set of wedding-related events (I'm a bridesmaid in two weddings this summer!). I know: you think I'm just throwing around words here and using "marathon" as an exaggeration, but I promise I'm not: I went to a bachelorette party, then to get our nails done, then a rehearsal and rehearsal dinner, then a bridal luncheon, and then the wedding for one bride; Sunday, we (yep, Jay came with me!) woke up and went to bridal shower for this week's wedding. Yesterday I donated platelets, today I went to Six Flags with Nick and Mojo (it was hot, but we had a really great time!!), tomorrow I'm going to a bachelorette party, then Thursday is a rehearsal and dinner, and Friday is the wedding. I'm just go go go, but that's alright--I'm unemployed, what else am I up to, right?
I've also worked on a few crafts in the meantime. I've made fabric flower brooches, fabric "mums" for bridal showers, and continued working on a quilt for my sister's baby. My mom's friend is getting married, so I've also helped her make a bouquet of metal brooches--it's kind of a pain in the butt, but it's going to look really awesome when it's done!
Jay found out why one of our tropical plants looked so sad and wilted: the roots were completely disconnected from the topside of the plant. We had two plants in one container that had no draining hole, so he thought maybe they were drowning; when he moved the plants into a container that drains, he found out the sad news about the roots. But at least now we know why it looked so sad, and our surviving plant can drain excess water. The mint on the back porch seems to be doing well, as does the other planter of flowers from one of my girl scouts... even though the flowers got knocked over in last night's storm. Some friendly person in our complex found it on the ground and put it back on our fence rail. :)
Jay also helped my dad, my uncle, and James build a fence last weekend (the weekend before the wedding). It took them two full days of working, but the fence in my parents' back yard looks a million times better than the original fence looked when it looked its best. Oh. Jeff came over in time to help with the last five minutes of working on the fence. (We call him Blister--always showing up when the work's done. tee hee.)
Tonight is actually Jeff's birthday (Jeff is my sister's husband, btw), so we're about to head out and have a celebratory dinner with him and the family. :)
Hope you've enjoyed the post!
Today, I went to Six Flags for the second time this year; I have a season pass and paid parking all season--if you want to go some time, I want to go with you! It's one of the few non-wedding-related thing I've done in a little while. Last week was a marathon of wedding events, and tomorrow starts up another set of wedding-related events (I'm a bridesmaid in two weddings this summer!). I know: you think I'm just throwing around words here and using "marathon" as an exaggeration, but I promise I'm not: I went to a bachelorette party, then to get our nails done, then a rehearsal and rehearsal dinner, then a bridal luncheon, and then the wedding for one bride; Sunday, we (yep, Jay came with me!) woke up and went to bridal shower for this week's wedding. Yesterday I donated platelets, today I went to Six Flags with Nick and Mojo (it was hot, but we had a really great time!!), tomorrow I'm going to a bachelorette party, then Thursday is a rehearsal and dinner, and Friday is the wedding. I'm just go go go, but that's alright--I'm unemployed, what else am I up to, right?
I've also worked on a few crafts in the meantime. I've made fabric flower brooches, fabric "mums" for bridal showers, and continued working on a quilt for my sister's baby. My mom's friend is getting married, so I've also helped her make a bouquet of metal brooches--it's kind of a pain in the butt, but it's going to look really awesome when it's done!
Jay found out why one of our tropical plants looked so sad and wilted: the roots were completely disconnected from the topside of the plant. We had two plants in one container that had no draining hole, so he thought maybe they were drowning; when he moved the plants into a container that drains, he found out the sad news about the roots. But at least now we know why it looked so sad, and our surviving plant can drain excess water. The mint on the back porch seems to be doing well, as does the other planter of flowers from one of my girl scouts... even though the flowers got knocked over in last night's storm. Some friendly person in our complex found it on the ground and put it back on our fence rail. :)
Jay also helped my dad, my uncle, and James build a fence last weekend (the weekend before the wedding). It took them two full days of working, but the fence in my parents' back yard looks a million times better than the original fence looked when it looked its best. Oh. Jeff came over in time to help with the last five minutes of working on the fence. (We call him Blister--always showing up when the work's done. tee hee.)
Tonight is actually Jeff's birthday (Jeff is my sister's husband, btw), so we're about to head out and have a celebratory dinner with him and the family. :)
Hope you've enjoyed the post!
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
Traveling, Y'all
Jay and I recently returned home from a super fun trip to San Antonio! We had our first opportunity to take our new Honda Insight (it's super sweet!) on a longish (I've driven to many places that took more than five hours of car travel, so anything less than that isn't really a "long" trip in my book) trip. Around town, we get 45 or so mgp, sometimes a little more, sometimes a little less. (Yesterday, I got 60 mpg on my trip from the Magic Time Machine (a restaurant) to our home! WOO!) On our way to San Antonio, we did not fare as well. I think our average for the tank we took down there was only like 39 mpg, and the way back was closer to 45. And when it's windy out, boy does the Insight get blown about the road. All-in-all, though, it's a pretty quiet ride and it's smooth, and the navigation system and iPod playing system and Bluetooth connection and hands-free everything and the climate control is pretty freaking awesome!
Okay. Enough about the car. Onto the trip!
Since we didn't have an agenda to keep, we kind of took our sweet time in arriving, and made some off-course side trips. On the way, we saw some cool sculptures, took a squinty-eyed picture, and we saw a whole field/herd/ranch of gazelles (side note: they didn't budge an inch when we drove past them at upwards of 65 mph. When I did an impromptu u-turn in the middle of the road and circled around to pull off onto the side of the road to take pictures, the critters went nuts and started running away; it was very strange that they were afraid of us approaching slowly and not afraid of us whizzing by). All of that happened on the way to our first destination before San Antonio: The Salt Lick Bar-B-Que. What, you don't know what The Salt Lick Bar-B-Que is? Well. It's a delicious barbeque place in, essentially, the middle of nowhere that Jay saw on some show--Man vs. Food? maybe?--and heard of otherwise, so we headed there from Coppell. I'm not generally a big fan of bbq, but this place had it going on. I'd probably drive there again if Jay ever wanted to on a weekend. Or whatever.
After we ate a delicious lunch (completed with dessert!), we set our course to a different side destination: Stonehenge II!! Okay. You've probably never heard of Stonehenge II, and you probably think I'm making it up. But guess what: I'm not! It's real! It exists!! I first learned of it when reading the book Yes Man by Danny Wallace--the movie is loosely based off the book, but it's set in England and is a real story (or as real as any memoir goes). Either way, the book is hilarious, and you should definitely read it some time; it's completely not the story of the movie and it is HILARIOUS--I read it during silent reading when I was student teaching, and sometimes it made me laugh out loud, which earned me crazy looks from the 8th graders.
But back to the point! I learned about Stonehenge II in the book, and I immediately said, "What? Stonehenge II? This guy's crazy." So I googled it, and found out that it's a real place. Of course, I had to see it for my self. So when Jay and I began planning a San Antonio trip, I asked if we could visit, and he was also intrigued. Voila! Stonehenge II!
While we were at the Stonehenge II site, we also saw something else from another place and time... but you'll have to go there on your own to find out what! (Or look through Jay's facebook photo album.)
After that exciting stop, we headed to San Antonio to our swanky hotelroom suite. Jay booked us at The Hotel Contessa, and it was beautiful. There was some fragrance they used in the lobby that I didn't care for, but it wasn't used anywhere else, so I was alright with that. While we were there, we even went swimming on the rooftop swimming pool. It's pretty weird/awesome to swim on the top of a building.

Of course, we visited the Alamo. What trip to San Antonio is complete without a stop at the historic site of a lost battle? The first time we went there it was closed, but that made it easier for us to get a picture of the two of us without random people in the background.
We also took a trip to Sea World. If you're looking for rides, Sea World is not for you. If you're looking to learn some stuff about ocean creatures and see some pretty awesome shows featuring sea mammals, then Sea World is definitely for you. I took a bunch of pictures there of the shows, mostly because I kept trying to get the shot where a whale or dolphin or whatever is mid-flip. I'd certainly recommend it. And if you're a teacher, you can sign up for something or other to get in free. And if you're an active or retired or reserve military person, you can get in free, as well. I don't know that it's worth joining the armed services just for free admission, but you have to weigh that for yourself--who am I to decide what is important or right for you? ;)
Did you know that San Antonio is only a few hours (fewer than two, actually) away from Shiner, Texas? Jay and I know. And we went there. We got to tour the brewery for free, and we got to sample four brews, also for free. The tour doesn't last very long, but it's pretty interesting. And we got to see Shiner being canned, not bottled, and that doesn't happen very often, so we felt pretty special. It's amazing how machines and assembly lines work. Jay and I probably could have stayed at the brewery and watched the bottling/canning all day, but the Shiner people probably wouldn't have appreciated it.
Of course, we spent a bunch of time walking around San Antonio. We ate both on and off the River Walk, went through La Villita and looked at all the artsy stuff, and we walked to El Mercado for dinner and to look at the shops there, as well.
We decided that the heat and humidity in San Antonio is more intense than we care for, but we had a really great time. We enjoyed spending time together and seeing the fun stuff we got to see. Plus, we missed the crazy hail storm that happened in the DFW area while we were on vacation, so that was an added bonus. We're already talking about our next trip, but we're not quite positive where it'll be.
p.s. No word on the job front yet (I know you're curious), but my resume and application are out there.
Okay. Enough about the car. Onto the trip!
One cool sculpture spotted on the trip--cow made of fenders! |
Squinty eyes! |
Gazelle! |
It's in the process of being relocated, thus, construction. |
Workers asked me to hold this while they took a break. |
While we were at the Stonehenge II site, we also saw something else from another place and time... but you'll have to go there on your own to find out what! (Or look through Jay's facebook photo album.)
After that exciting stop, we headed to San Antonio to our swanky hotel
Of course, we visited the Alamo. What trip to San Antonio is complete without a stop at the historic site of a lost battle? The first time we went there it was closed, but that made it easier for us to get a picture of the two of us without random people in the background.
Yeah. That guy is just hand feeding sting rays. No big deal. |
Baby whale! (Which is called a calf.) |
We decided that the heat and humidity in San Antonio is more intense than we care for, but we had a really great time. We enjoyed spending time together and seeing the fun stuff we got to see. Plus, we missed the crazy hail storm that happened in the DFW area while we were on vacation, so that was an added bonus. We're already talking about our next trip, but we're not quite positive where it'll be.
p.s. No word on the job front yet (I know you're curious), but my resume and application are out there.
Monday, May 16, 2011
Big News, Everyone!
First off, I'M OFFICIALLY A GRADUATE OF THE UNIVERSITY OF NORTH TEXAS!! I graduated on Friday, May 13, 2011, and it was a pretty painless event. It only took about two hours (only? is that really the appropriate word? i say so.), and I wore converse with my cap and gown (I did wear a dress, though--I wasn't completely casual), so I was comfortable and didn't trip walking up the steps, while on stage, or walking down the steps. It's a fabulous feeling to be completely done with my undergradate degree. Maybe grad school is in my future, but not my immediate future--I just want a break before I dive back into school. (Thanks to Erin Costa for taking and posting this picture of me!!!)
So now I'm waiting for my diploma to arrive. And for the state of Texas to finish its process to grant me my teaching certificate--yes, I passed all four of my certification exams! Once the paperwork is done, I'll be certified to teach any subject for early childhood (think pre-k) through sixth grade. But my major and my specific certification is 4-8th grade English, language arts and reading. Ideally, I'll get a job teaching language arts in a middle school classroom, but I'll be more than willing to accept any position I'm offered!
I've been using my time since I completed student teaching to make some money in my field. Yep, I'm substitute teaching. I'm only working in the Irving ISD, but I'm perfectly happy to be here. I've worked at the same school I student taught at most of the days I've subbed, and I'm really enjoying it. I like seeing the familiar faces, and some of those faces like seeing me, too. :p (Oh well, you can't have everyone like you, right?)
Right now (well... not right now, of course) I'm working on a few crafting projects, and I'm finding that I really enjoy it. All the projects I've begun involve a sewing machine in some way or another, and I haven't completed them yet, but they're getting there! Once they've been completed, I'd love to post pictures for you, my adoring fans. ;)
Until later,
So now I'm waiting for my diploma to arrive. And for the state of Texas to finish its process to grant me my teaching certificate--yes, I passed all four of my certification exams! Once the paperwork is done, I'll be certified to teach any subject for early childhood (think pre-k) through sixth grade. But my major and my specific certification is 4-8th grade English, language arts and reading. Ideally, I'll get a job teaching language arts in a middle school classroom, but I'll be more than willing to accept any position I'm offered!
I've been using my time since I completed student teaching to make some money in my field. Yep, I'm substitute teaching. I'm only working in the Irving ISD, but I'm perfectly happy to be here. I've worked at the same school I student taught at most of the days I've subbed, and I'm really enjoying it. I like seeing the familiar faces, and some of those faces like seeing me, too. :p (Oh well, you can't have everyone like you, right?)
Right now (well... not right now, of course) I'm working on a few crafting projects, and I'm finding that I really enjoy it. All the projects I've begun involve a sewing machine in some way or another, and I haven't completed them yet, but they're getting there! Once they've been completed, I'd love to post pictures for you, my adoring fans. ;)
Until later,
Saturday, April 23, 2011
Inching Closer
Three of my four certification tests are complete--and I passed all of them. My next--and last!--on is schedule for May 3rd. Once that one is done (and passed, of course), I'll be certified to teach Early Childhood-6th Grade (any and all subjects); 4th-8th Grade English, language arts, and reading; and/or ESL classes. Hooray!
I went to a career fair not too long ago, and most districts say they won't know if they're hiring until June or July, so that's kind of lame. But that gives me plenty of time to look for a great job, right? Plus, our lease isn't up until after July, so if we have to move, it'll be at about the right time for that. See? Gotta find the silver lining!
This upcoming week (April 25-29) is my last week of student teaching. I have mixed emotions about this. I'm happy that I'm that much closer to FINALLY graduating, but I'm going to miss seeing the teachers and administrators, and even the students. And because this is an 8th grade TAKS week, I won't even get to see most of my students on my last day. I'll have to tell them all on Monday that I'm leaving on Friday, and then they'll have weird schedules Tuesday-Friday, and it's going to be kind of sad. But I'm going to go back to the school for the 8th Grade Awards Ceremony in May, and I'll get to see my students--and they'll all be dressed up and hoping to get an award for outstanding attitude, performance, behavior, etc. That's going to be a fun day. :)
Also, I sent out graduation announcements today! It was exciting! I sent out far fewer announcements than I sent out wedding invitations, but it had that kind of a feel to it--something I've been working to for a long time and that I'm excited to see come to actualization. If you're interested in coming and did not receive an announcement, here's the scoop on graduation (actually, this is exactly what the announcement says):
I went to a career fair not too long ago, and most districts say they won't know if they're hiring until June or July, so that's kind of lame. But that gives me plenty of time to look for a great job, right? Plus, our lease isn't up until after July, so if we have to move, it'll be at about the right time for that. See? Gotta find the silver lining!
This upcoming week (April 25-29) is my last week of student teaching. I have mixed emotions about this. I'm happy that I'm that much closer to FINALLY graduating, but I'm going to miss seeing the teachers and administrators, and even the students. And because this is an 8th grade TAKS week, I won't even get to see most of my students on my last day. I'll have to tell them all on Monday that I'm leaving on Friday, and then they'll have weird schedules Tuesday-Friday, and it's going to be kind of sad. But I'm going to go back to the school for the 8th Grade Awards Ceremony in May, and I'll get to see my students--and they'll all be dressed up and hoping to get an award for outstanding attitude, performance, behavior, etc. That's going to be a fun day. :)
Also, I sent out graduation announcements today! It was exciting! I sent out far fewer announcements than I sent out wedding invitations, but it had that kind of a feel to it--something I've been working to for a long time and that I'm excited to see come to actualization. If you're interested in coming and did not receive an announcement, here's the scoop on graduation (actually, this is exactly what the announcement says):
The President, The Faculty
The Graduating Class
The University of North Texas
College of Education
Announce the Graduation of
Christine Gregson Shive
Friday, the Thirteenth of May
Two Thousand Eleven
with a
Bachelor of Science Degree in
Summa Cum Laude
Commencement Ceremonies will be held at
The University of North Texas Coliseum at 7:00 p.m.
Of course, the announcement's font is fancier and blah blah blah, but it says those exact words. And yes, you read correctly: I'm graduating Summa Cum Laude. Because I'm a genius. And a humble one at that. ;)
So, things are starting to come together. Inching closer to the end, one day at a time.
Monday, March 21, 2011
No excuse, but at least I'm finally updating?
General public and dedicated (ha!) readers, it's been over two months since my last real update. Hmm. That feels too much like the beginning of a confessional.
Anyway, it has been an absurdly long time since last I told the world what's been going on in the Shive house.
February: I'm a little fuzzy on the details, but I know that February included Valentine's Day. I had a girl scout meeting that night, and we had a bunch of fun. I baked a couple dozen heart-shaped cupcakes and bought frosting and sprinkles and candies, and the girls and I decorated and ate the treats, then we played games. We had to wait until we'd covered the official business first, but that didn't take much time at all--it was party night!
When I got home, Jay was just finishing up dinner. He made us a delicious fondue that we dipped bread, apples, and tiny sausages in. For dessert, we had strawberries, apples, bananas, and pound cake in a dark chocolate fondue. SUuuuuuUper good.
Jay and I started watching Dexter on NetFlix. It's dark, but interesting and I like it. So does Jay. We're actually watching it right now!
Of course, I can't forget about Snow-pocalypse! Or Ice-pocalypse, if you prefer. That was five unexpected days off school. And five days when I read waaayyyy too many craft blogs. But I love them! And I live vicariously through their crafts, which is good because we don't have room for me to put the crafts I'd make or anywhere to make the crafts.
Um... that's all I remember of February.
March: We have plants! Yeah! Jay and I finally went out and bought a metal table, a green bamboo planter, and two leafy and brightly colored plants. They're super cute. And they brighten up the whole patio.
My sister's wedding is coming up on Saturday, so that's a big deal. We're all working to make it as nice as possible, especially with the highly restricted timeline. It's going well, and I think it's going to be beautiful.
Also, I took my certification exams! I passed two of them for sure, but I'm still waiting on the results of my third test. I feel pretty confident that I did well, but I won't know for certain until they post my results. And let me tell you: this is a difficult wait.
So. I think you're all caught up with some of the important stuff. :)
Anyway, it has been an absurdly long time since last I told the world what's been going on in the Shive house.
February: I'm a little fuzzy on the details, but I know that February included Valentine's Day. I had a girl scout meeting that night, and we had a bunch of fun. I baked a couple dozen heart-shaped cupcakes and bought frosting and sprinkles and candies, and the girls and I decorated and ate the treats, then we played games. We had to wait until we'd covered the official business first, but that didn't take much time at all--it was party night!
When I got home, Jay was just finishing up dinner. He made us a delicious fondue that we dipped bread, apples, and tiny sausages in. For dessert, we had strawberries, apples, bananas, and pound cake in a dark chocolate fondue. SUuuuuuUper good.
Jay and I started watching Dexter on NetFlix. It's dark, but interesting and I like it. So does Jay. We're actually watching it right now!
Of course, I can't forget about Snow-pocalypse! Or Ice-pocalypse, if you prefer. That was five unexpected days off school. And five days when I read waaayyyy too many craft blogs. But I love them! And I live vicariously through their crafts, which is good because we don't have room for me to put the crafts I'd make or anywhere to make the crafts.
Um... that's all I remember of February.
March: We have plants! Yeah! Jay and I finally went out and bought a metal table, a green bamboo planter, and two leafy and brightly colored plants. They're super cute. And they brighten up the whole patio.
My sister's wedding is coming up on Saturday, so that's a big deal. We're all working to make it as nice as possible, especially with the highly restricted timeline. It's going well, and I think it's going to be beautiful.
Also, I took my certification exams! I passed two of them for sure, but I'm still waiting on the results of my third test. I feel pretty confident that I did well, but I won't know for certain until they post my results. And let me tell you: this is a difficult wait.
So. I think you're all caught up with some of the important stuff. :)
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Sunday, January 30, 2011
A Good Week
This week was a great week for student teaching. I ran the warm ups every day, went on a field trip Wednesday, found a way to make the lesson work when the depended-upon technology didn't, and did everything except plan the lesson on Friday. And, Friday was my first observation.
Friday was a pretty good day, actually. I attended my first department meeting of the semester, taught all day without any help from Mr. C, survived my first observation, and gave out a bunch of detentions. Half of third period didn't return their report cards (they've had a while, now), so they have detention until they return them. Hopefully that entices the kids to bring their report cards!?
At home, things went well, also. We've been pretty busy (and my week's busy again this week, too--sheesh!), but we had a good night with my sister and her fiance on Saturday night, got some laundry done, and even cleaned up our space.
And that's us. :)
Friday was a pretty good day, actually. I attended my first department meeting of the semester, taught all day without any help from Mr. C, survived my first observation, and gave out a bunch of detentions. Half of third period didn't return their report cards (they've had a while, now), so they have detention until they return them. Hopefully that entices the kids to bring their report cards!?
At home, things went well, also. We've been pretty busy (and my week's busy again this week, too--sheesh!), but we had a good night with my sister and her fiance on Saturday night, got some laundry done, and even cleaned up our space.
And that's us. :)
Monday, January 24, 2011
Badges, We Don't Need No Stinking Badges
All semester, my UNT "bosses" (the people in charge of my program) have been telling me/everyone in the program to make sure and get ID badges from the district. I made an appointment to have my picture taken and my badge printed out. I went to said appointment. I had said picture taken. The woman who took my picture went to print it out onto my badge came back to me saying the machine was broken and that the people who could fix it were out to lunch. She'd have them fix it and send it through the school's mail system and that it'd be to me by Friday. I went to my school's secretary on Friday. And Monday. And Tuesday. Finally, I got it on Wednesday. Woo!
...I look like I'm balding in my picture. And I can't even use it to get a teacher discount at New York & Co. because I have to be a "Teacher Teacher, not a Student Teacher." Poo.
In other news, though, Jay and I have been hanging out at home some and running around a lot. We saw Oh Brother, Werewolf Art Thou at the Pocket Sandwich Theater with my sister and her fiance--yup, she's engaged as of 1/23/11 (at about 1AM, which is when she called me)!!--a few weekends ago (maybe it was just one? they all start running together...), and it was alright. We enjoyed throwing popcorn at each other and strangers, and the dinner was super delicious. Mmm.
For three trivia games in a row now, the team I've been on (not really contributing to, but sitting with) has won second place; the last two were complete surprises, as we'd been eighth or worse at half time. So that's going well. :)
My class at UNT started last Thursday. Bleh. I absolutely do not want to take a class, but I don't have much choice in the matter. I feel like a terrible role model, though. I'm supposed to encourage the eighth graders to go to college and do well in school and study and be prepared, but I am so reluctant to do any of those things myself. Oh, the irony.
And now I've updated. Happy times, y'all.
...I look like I'm balding in my picture. And I can't even use it to get a teacher discount at New York & Co. because I have to be a "Teacher Teacher, not a Student Teacher." Poo.
In other news, though, Jay and I have been hanging out at home some and running around a lot. We saw Oh Brother, Werewolf Art Thou at the Pocket Sandwich Theater with my sister and her fiance--yup, she's engaged as of 1/23/11 (at about 1AM, which is when she called me)!!--a few weekends ago (maybe it was just one? they all start running together...), and it was alright. We enjoyed throwing popcorn at each other and strangers, and the dinner was super delicious. Mmm.
For three trivia games in a row now, the team I've been on (not really contributing to, but sitting with) has won second place; the last two were complete surprises, as we'd been eighth or worse at half time. So that's going well. :)
My class at UNT started last Thursday. Bleh. I absolutely do not want to take a class, but I don't have much choice in the matter. I feel like a terrible role model, though. I'm supposed to encourage the eighth graders to go to college and do well in school and study and be prepared, but I am so reluctant to do any of those things myself. Oh, the irony.
And now I've updated. Happy times, y'all.
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
The Holidays are OVER
Some people like to lengthen the holidays and keep their decorations up for a pretty long time. I might have liked to do that, but our apartment is way too cramped to keep up a huge tree for very long. So, Christmas is officially over at the Shive house (except for the window drawings that Jay made with window crayons and still has to clean up)--the tree is down and put away, as are the stockings, stocking holders, nutcrackers and Christmas lights. Our apartment feels much bigger now, much cleaner. Thank goodness.
I only have this week left of my much appreciated break (I've paused a long time here to consider hyphenating "much appreciated," and I've come to the conclusion that I don't care--which has led to another, saddening conclusion: I need school). I'm playing computer games, watching my DVR, surfing netflix, and washing more clothes than I knew two people could wear.
I only have this week left of my much appreciated break (I've paused a long time here to consider hyphenating "much appreciated," and I've come to the conclusion that I don't care--which has led to another, saddening conclusion: I need school). I'm playing computer games, watching my DVR, surfing netflix, and washing more clothes than I knew two people could wear.
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